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shoppers were shocked to see a 'bizarre' ingredient listed in a popular Aldi crispbread in American stores.
Thanks to an unfortunate design choice a US mum read her snack ingredient list as 'walnuts, maple syrup, cinnamon and cats'.
The mum's daughter shared her post to a a popular Aldi page, ALDI Aisle of Shame Community, where fellow Aldi fans eventually figured out the mystery ingredient was instead meant to read 'oats'.
Aldi shoppers were shocked to see a 'bizarre' ingredient listed in a popular Aldi cracker snack.

Thanks to an unfortunate design choice a US mum thought her snack contained cats
'Aldi might consider using a different font next time,' the US mum said.
She had bought the crackers and left them out for her mum, but received an alarming phone call later that night.
'My distraught mum called me last night after reading the ingredients of these crackers I left for her.'
Members of the group were just as confused as the mum.
'It clearly says cats with and without my glasses on,' one Aldi fan said. 

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A shopper bought popular Aldi crispbreads for her mother, but was shocked to receive an alarmed call after her mum thought the product contained cats
However, eventually Aldi fans figured out that the ingredient listed was actually oats.
'I kept looking and looking, I finally decided it is supposed to say walnuts, oats, maple syrup....but I would have sworn it said "cats" too!.'
Some fans even admitted they found the snacks delicious once they realized they were cat-free , 'I thought the same thing, but they are amazing especially with the cranberry goat cheese.'
<div class="art-ins mol-factbox femail" data-version="2" id="mol-9129afe0-4e72-11ed-9bc4-45b1152a9bf8" website extra ingredient on an Aldi snack has shoppers baffled